Training Management Systems (TMS) Comprehensively Explained

Training management systems leverage technology to centralize, automate & optimize training activities. From beginning to end.

Today’s L&D landscape is fast-paced. Be it any sector or industry, it plays a pivotal role in organizational success. Amidst this, TMSs have emerged as indispensable tools.

These are designed to streamline and enhance the training processes within companies. A training management system leverages technology to centralize, automate & optimize training activities. From beginning to end.

In this blog, we’ll drive you through the details of what is a Training Management System (TMS), with its features, benefits and more. By the time you’re done reading it, you’ll be equipped with the necessary knowledge. To choose the right software for your organization.

So, let’s get started!

What is a TMS?

What is a TMS

TMS stands for training management system is a software application/platform. Designed to streamline & optimize the administration, delivery & tracking of programs.

It centralizes various training tasks. Ranging from scheduling sessions, managing registrations, tracking progress and evaluating effectiveness.

A TMS aims to enhance training efficiency & ensure compliance with regulations. While aligning L&D initiatives with strategic business objectives.

Learn more about LMSs in our blog on “what is an LMS“.

Users & Use Cases of a TMS

Just like an LMS, a TMS too has a wide variety of users & use cases. The following table lists down the various user roles of a TMS.

Users of a TMS

These stakeholders aim at enhancing efficiency, compliance and overall organizational performance.

The table below lists down the relevant use cases of a TMS:

Use Cases of a TMS

These are just some of the use cases since a TMS can be applied to multiple sectors/industries. Ranging from healthcare and hospitality to law firms and manufacturing.

7 Major Benefits of Using a Training Management System

Benefits of Using a Training Management System

Using a TMS brings with it a multitude of benefits; both for the training companies & the learners involved. Here are some of the major ones:

  1. Centralization: It has all training-related resources & data at one single platform.
  2. Efficient Administration: It automates administrative tasks. Such as course scheduling, participant enrollment and human resource allocation. Thereby saving time and reducing manual processes, effort & error.
  3. Compliance and Regulatory Adherence: A training management system ensures organizational compliance. Be it with industry regulations or standards. Mainly through automated tracking of certifications and mandatory requirements.
  4. Improved Performance Management: It enables assessment of learner progress and performance. Through built-in reporting & analytics tools.
  5. Cost Efficiency: It reduces costs by optimizing resource allocation & minimizing administrative overhead. While enhancing ROI via streamlined operations.
  6. Scalability and Flexibility: A TMS can scale to accommodate organizational growth & evolving needs. Most cloud-based solutions offer flexible deployment options for this purpose.
  7. Support for Continuous Learning: It promotes a culture of continuous employee training. Thus, supporting career growth and organizational agility.

These benefits collectively highlight the contribution of a training management system. Towards organizational efficiency, compliance, employee development & strategic alignment of L&D initiatives.

You might also like to read how using Edmingle as your training management software helps reduce your operational cost by up to 20%.

8 Core Features of a TMS

The table below lists down the core features that define a true, proper training management system.

Core Features of a TMS

These core features highlight that it’s specifically tailored to enhance training management processes. All while optimizing the operational efficiency of organizations.

Also read about m-learning (mobile learning).

Differences Between a TMS and an LMS

Differences Between a TMS and an LMS

Until now, there’s a possibility, you might be thinking both are almost similar. And we’ll say, yes they’re very similar, but to an extent. Since they differ in their primary focus, that’s where the true line is drawn.

A TMS primarily focuses on the logistical & administrative aspects of training programs. Whereas an LMS is designed to facilitate the delivery & management of learning content.

This is where you should know about the difference between learning & training.

So, in a way, you can think of LMSs handling the front-end operations and TMSs handling the back-end operations.

To read more about the differences; check out our blog on difference between LMS and TMS.

And if you’re still confused on which is the better choice for you. Our article on LMS vs TMS will be your guide.

Top 13 Training Management Systems (TMS)

Top 13 Training Management Systems (TMS)

Now that we’ve got the basics clear, it’s time to explore the best training management systems available in the market. To be honest, there are plenty today, which makes it challenging to pick the right one.

But that’s not the case with this curated list of the top 13 TMS solutions.



Known for its user-friendly interface, Edmingle offers robust features & seamless integrations. Whether you need to manage programs, get learner insights or manage compliance. It’s the one-stop solution for all your training needs.

Some of it’s key offerings include:

And that’s not the end of the list. With it’s AI-powered analytics-focused training management suite, it’s trusted by leading education & training providers across the globe.

To explore it’s alignment with your objectives,



It focuses on personalized learning experiences. With features like adaptive learning paths and multimedia content support. EducateMe emphasizes on learner/employee engagement and performance tracking.



It offers collaborative learning tools and social learning features. 360Learning supports interactive content creation and peer-to-peer learning, promoting knowledge sharing.

4.Cloud Assess

Cloud Assess

It specializes in assessment management with tools for creating, delivering and evaluating assessments. Cloud Assess integrates seamlessly with other learning management systems.

Related read: LMS full form.

5.Arlo Training Management Software

Arlo Training Management Software

It aids end-to-end management of training events. From registration and scheduling to attendee management and feedback collection. Arlo TMS also offers customizable reporting and financial tracking features.



It focuses on administrative process documentation and training for small to medium-sized businesses. Trainual streamlines training content creation and delivery, making it both; efficient and scalable.



Designed for selling & delivering online courses. LearningCart offers eCommerce capabilities integrated with learning management features.

Explore all the learning management system features in our blog.



Known for its intuitive interface and comprehensive management capabilities. Thrive facilitates course creation, learner progress tracking and performance analytics.



Combines learning management with knowledge management. Thereby allowing organizations to create, share and track learning resources and organizational knowledge.



Offers robust features for course scheduling, resource management & automated communications. Accessplanit supports compliance tracking. It also integrates with CRM systems for enhanced customer management.

11.Training Orchestra

Training Orchestra

Focuses on optimizing resource allocation and scheduling. Training Orchestra helps organizations efficiently manage the logistics of training. Hence, ensuring resources are allocated effectively to maximize ROI.



Provides comprehensive training administration tools. Including scheduling, resource management and learner tracking. Administrate offers integration with financial systems for budget monitoring, invoicing & revenue tracking.



Offers a flexible and scalable platform for managing programs across diverse industries. Dante supports multi-language capabilities, extensive customization options and robust reporting features.

These platforms cater to different organizational needs. From educational institutions to corporate departments, providing tools to streamline operations.

Explore about the scalability & flexibility of SaaS platforms.

How to Select the Best Training Management System?

With vast amounts of misleading content over the internet, it’s easy to make a decision that you might later regret. About 58% of businesses do regret their current software purchase.

In this section, we’ll guide you through the steps towards making a satisfactory buy. One that doesn’t only streamline your training management process but also improves ROI.

So, here are the 8 steps to selecting the best TMS for your organization:

How to Select the Best Training Management System

Before moving forward with your decision, don’t forget to take a free demo or a free trial of the platform. This will prove to be a major deciding factor as it gives you a firsthand experience.


What is a TMS? A TMS, or training management system, is a software solution. It optimizes the administration, delivery and tracking of programs. It centralizes training-related tasks. Such as scheduling sessions, managing registrations, tracking progress and evaluating effectiveness.

While closely related to learning management systems (LMS). A TMS focuses more on the logistical and administrative aspects.

With a wide range of key stakeholders, use cases & benefits. The versatility & efficiency a TMS provides makes it a crucial training tool in today’s landscape.

But amidst all this, selecting the right TMS is what will decide the result of your L&D initiatives. Alongside operational excellence, enhanced organizational performance & outcomes.

In short, a well-chosen TMS is a vital investment for any forward-thinking organization.

FAQs on What is TMS

1.Which gives better ROI; a TMS or an LMS?

The ROI depends on your organization’s specific needs and goals. The former provides better ROI for training organizations that need to streamline operations & workflows. In contrast, the latter offers better ROI for those focused on delivering & managing learning content.

2.Is a TMS better than an LMS?

In reality, neither one is inherently better than the other. It all depends on the specific requirements of your organization. The choice between them should be based on what your focus is on.

3.How to know if you need a training management system or a learning management system?

Understanding the best fit requires evaluating your organization’s objectives and operational requirements. This will help better decide which system aligns better with your needs.

Nikhil Dutt

Nikhil, a seasoned writer, excels in content ranging from long-form content, ad copies, UX microcopies & scripts. With an in-depth understanding of social media algorithms, he's driven notable growth across platforms. Proficient in SEO & SMO, he champions holistic content creation with a mission to elevate businesses through powerful storytelling. Although an IT graduate, his writing passion defines him, making him a diverse professional. Outside work, Nikhil enjoys reading, journaling, and exploring new places. Volunteering as a Life & Relationship Coach, he's committed to helping individuals foster more joyful lives and relationships.

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