Edmingle 2.0: A Data-Driven LMS

In March 2024, we held a survey among 500+ training & education businesses. This survey brought insights that matched with our trajectory at Edmingle 2.0.

Key insights include:

  1. 87% of businesses reported learner engagement & satisfaction as their biggest pain point.

  1. While only 33% of them were currently able to track the KPIs that matter for measuring this.

  1. All this was happening while 63% of them wished to track this metric as they considered it an important growth factor.

Further study into the answers showcased two major reasons for this gap; a broken learner experience and the lack of visibility into data. Although both have a strong correlation, the latter also brought with it the inability to take decisive actions.

We were on the track to solve this pressing issue and this survey further strengthened the cause for Edmingle 2.0: A Data-Driven Learning Management Systems.

In this article, we’ll explore in-depth about it and how it can solve the problems discussed earlier.

Introduction to Edmingle 2.0: A Data Driven LMS

Since its inception in 2016, Edmingle has been dedicated to empowering educational and training enterprises. Mainly by liberating them from technological constraints and reducing unnecessary overhead.

Today, it supports over 2 million learners in more than 160 countries, partnering with some of India’s leading education and training providers.

With this upgrade, Edmingle transcends the traditional boundaries of an LMS with its cutting-edge, AI-driven, analytics-centric training management suite.

Introduction to Edmingle 2.0

Since the learner journey is often broken across platforms and organizations. Edmingle aims at streamlining it effectively. Thereby enabling training organizations to deliver their courses & programs with unparalleled effectiveness. 

With Edmingle 2.0, you’ll experience a premier learning journey that keeps learners engaged and fulfilled.

What’s New in Edmingle 2.0?

What’s New in Edmingle 2.0?

With its distinctive blend of course delivery tools and AI-powered analytics, Edmingle 2.0 eliminates the problems created by a broken learner experience and the gaps in data generated from it.

It solves the following pressing problems in any training/upskilling/education business;

  • A rough ride in learning

  • Scalability issues

  • Poor return on investments

  • Drop in course completion rates

  • Low NPS & CSAT

  • Drop in learner retention & engagement

  • Stagnant revenue growth

  • Reduction in user growth

  • Burden of tech glitches like slow loading time, system crashes and more

  • Significant increase in customer acquisition cost (CAC) & churn

  • Reduced ARPU & customer lifetime value (CLV)

  • Limited/Reduced Profit Margin

Since the learner journey is made streamlined & seamless along with real-time insights into every detail, the impact generated is huge and extends beyond these problems. Some of the major ones include:

  • Upto 50% reduction in Tech Spends Every Year

  • Learner satisfaction improves by 30%

  • Reduction in Launch Time by 80%

Not just improved UI, but with a comprehensive landing dashboard, advanced learner analytics, course and assessment analytics, Edmingle 2.0 keeps at bay the need to analyze vast amounts of data with its robust reports.

These reports act as guiding stars for your next approach towards minimizing the gaps in the learning journey.

1.Landing Dashboard

Landing Dashboard

2.Advanced Learner Analytics

Advanced Learner Analytics

3.Advanced Course Analytics

Advanced Course Analytics

4.Assessment Analytics

Assessment Analytics

Leading the Era of Data-Driven Learning Management Systems

Leading the Era of Data-Driven Learning Management Systems

Leveraging the insights from these powerful dashboards helps you turn the entire game upside down with actionable suggestions.

It’s 2024 and if something’s not personalized, it’s not gonna work. Therefore, regular learning management systems can’t tap into the full potential of your online course or training program.

With its data-driven approach, Edmingle takes your training efforts to the next level.

By utilizing these insights, you can effectively:

  • Run Targeted Campaigns

  • Improve Course Content

  • Improve Instructor Led-Training

  • Improve Learner Engagement & Retention

  • Boost Learner Performance & Training Outcome

As a result, your overall training outcome and learner satisfaction skyrocket.

So why wait? Upgrade to Edmingle 2.0 as special offers are currently available until 10th May 2024.

Nikhil Dutt

Nikhil, a seasoned writer, excels in content ranging from long-form content, ad copies, UX microcopies & scripts. With an in-depth understanding of social media algorithms, he's driven notable growth across platforms. Proficient in SEO & SMO, he champions holistic content creation with a mission to elevate businesses through powerful storytelling. Although an IT graduate, his writing passion defines him, making him a diverse professional. Outside work, Nikhil enjoys reading, journaling, and exploring new places. Volunteering as a Life & Relationship Coach, he's committed to helping individuals foster more joyful lives and relationships.

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